It is a tokenized representation of a real asset collateralized with other assets. In Opus' case, it is your portfolio and the yield it generates.

An autonomous credit solution doesn't exi-
You can do more with your assets than you think.
Opus is the autonomous and safe platform for credit and savings.
Opus replaces traditional credit protocols.
Get a credit line against your portfolio.
With Opus, you can borrow against your portfolio, including carefully curated yield-bearing collateral.
Interest rates are set autonomously and other risk parameters are determined dynamically.
We grow your
An optimal environment for your synthetic assets. Deposit your assets ↗↗ and collect interest ↙↙ from the borrowers.
It's safe, hassle-free, and the ultimate combination between your choices and our adaptive controller.
Get your crypto straight up.
No high fees.
No human intervention.
No fixed parameters.
Everything* is dynamic.

What's in it for me?
You’re a
Credit User
You’ll get
→ A credit line against your portfolio
→ Autonomous borrow rates
→ Leverage on your yield bearing collateral
You’re a
Savings User
You’ll get
→ A savings product that helps stabilize the protocol
→ Rewards that increase your savings
You’re a
Synthetic Trader
You’ll get
→ Your capital parked in an asset of your choice, i.e. the CPI to escape inflation
→ Liquidity for your favorite projects
You’re a
Credit User
You’ll get
→ A credit line against your portfolio
→ Autonomous borrow rates
→ Leverage on your yield bearing collateral
You’re a
Savings User
You’ll get
→ A savings product that helps to stabilize the protocol
→ Rewards that increase your yield
You’re a
Synthetic Buyer
You’ll get
→ Your capital parked in an asset of your choice, i.e. the CPI to escape inflation
→ Liquidity for your favorite projects
Multilayer liquidation engine.
Frequently Asked Questions
The world of crypto is always growing, and so is Opus.
What is a synthetic asset?
How is the value of the synthetic guaranteed?
The collateralization of the synthetic is enforced through its multilayer liquidation engine, which ensures that the assets are always redeemable for the correct price. Opus uses borrow rates to actuate on the market value and maintain the target peg.
How are interest rates determined?
There is a base rate that depends on your collateral asset composition, and then there’s a multiplier determined by an Adaptive Controller. The controller uses the difference between target peg and the current price of a given synthetic to determine what is fair and continuously adjusts to ensure that the synthetic is properly priced and the system is healthy.